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Artbox is a collection of artists, collectors, curators and galleries that exhibit moving image artwork in public and private spaces. We have developed the world's first Video Art Player to make exhibiting and displaying contemporary video art easier. 



Artbox knows art has the power to transform the way humanity imagines itself. We want to be a part of creating a world where relevant, accessible art surrounds us in our public and private spaces. We know that our societies are more creative, perceptive and open when good art is ubiquitous. This is why we are making contemporary art more accessible, available and visible in our public spaces. Artbox is a social enterprise aimed at paying amazing artists for their incredible work and increasing audiences..



We are an Australian organisation, based in Melbourne, but we have members and friends in Beijing, Berlin, New York and increasingly around the world. If you want to be a part of our globally distributed gallery, please get in touch with us. We will help you set up your public screen space, provide you with artwork, video art players and support you to curate the space. You can contact us at the bottom of this page.


When and How?

We began in early 2013 with a crowdfunding campaign on Pozible where we raised $16,000 AUD from a community of artists, collectors, curators and galleries. With that money we created the Artbox Video Art Player, built this website and developed a business plan. We are now just beginning to create the vision we have set ourselves and are looking fr people to join us on this journey.



Alex Gibson is an Artist, Curator and Web Developer. He came up with the idea for Artbox when he was playing with a Raspberry Pi computer. Denjell our incredible Technical Lead and friend in Europe who has added so much thought and skill to realising the Artbox software and hardware, he is a real asset to our team. Michael Meneghetti is an Artist, Curator and Youth Worker. He founded the amazing Propaganda Window and has worked as a video art curator for over 4 years. The team also includes Nick Jaffe from Electron Workshop, Su Baker from the Victorian College of the Arts, Kelli Keating and Renee Dudfield from Federation Square Big Screen and 60 incredible artists who helped with the crowd funding launch. Also a BIG THANKS to all the people who gave money and time to the crowdfunding campaign, bought the first batch of Artboxes and other rewards and generally supported us get this idea off the ground.



Please tell us about you. We are looking for business partners, curators, artists, collectors and galleries. If you fit this list somehow then please send us an email, buy an Artbox Video Art Player or a Video Artwork and/ or tell everyone you know about Artbox. 

Write to us