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This commission shipped in November 2015. Some copies of the work are still available in our online stock room, however at full price! Join the club now to receive monthly commissions at our members flat rate.


Heesco 2012

Our next commission will be delivered by Mongolian/Melbournian artist Heesco.

You've probably seen his work around the streets of Melbourne. Perhaps you get your daily caffeine hit at one of the many venues he's done over. You might have come across some more recent public works with a rather tasteful political tinge, or know him for his intricate light boxes or his varied gallery work.  The man does not rest.

If none of this is familiar, you're in for a treat. Shipping happens on the first of next month, as always. Don't miss out – if you're still not an Artbox Art Club member, there's still time to sign up

Heesco’s impressive resume spans gallery exhibitions, private and public commissions and street art for clients as diverse as The Art Series Hotels Group, St George Bank and Ground Central Café in Manhattan. He was the winner of the 2011 Secret Wars high-energy art competition, and a finalist in the 2013 Doug Moran National Portrait Prize.

(© 2012 Heesco. Lightbox. Please note that this image is for illustrative purposes only and is not the commissioned work.)